More about Shiatsu

How does Shiatsu work?

Shiatsu utilises finger and palm pressure, stretches and other massage techniques to treat a variety of ailments. Based on Japanese massage therapy traditions and Chinese medicine theory, it also incorporates western knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology.
The word "Shiatsu" comes from two Japanese words "shi" meaning finger and "atsu" meaning pressure. Often likened to Chinese acupressure, the aim of the practitioner is to improve the flow of energy (or "chi" in Chinese, "ki" in Japanese) through the body's meridian channels. The practitioner does this by using her bodyweight to exert pressure through her fingers, thumbs, elbows, forearms, feet and knees.
Although Shiatsu is usually done with the client on a futon on the floor, it can also be done on a massage table or a chair for those unable to get down on the floor.

Who is Shiatsu for?

Office workers

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Man receiving Shiatsu

Senior Citizens

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Joanna giving Shiatsu


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Sportsperson getting Shiatsu

Some research

There is a growing body of evidence-based research into the efficacy of Shiatsu. A study of female patients showed a range of benefits including reduced use of medications. You can read this article: "The Impact of Delivery of Shiatsu...." for more information.
A study into the effects of Shiatsu on lower back pain indicated a significant decrease in pain and anxiety after just four treatments. Subjects said they would recommend Shiatsu to anyone suffering from lower back pain. Read more about this research carried out in the United States.

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